MovieBloc (MBL) is a token of a decentralized platform for the distribution of films and content. It consists of three levels: community, market and fundraising. Advantages of the platform: decentralization, support for authors by holding blockchain-based film festivals, a guarantee of profit for authors, transparency in remuneration and data, global coverage.
News about MovieBloc
14 Aug 2023, 05:58
📢 CJ ENM 특별 상영관 1차 라인업 공개
⏰ 8월 11일 오후 5시 무비블록에서 만나요!
📢 The first lineup of CJ ENM's special theater will be unveiled
⏰ See you at Movie Block on August 11th at 5pm!
#불한당 #남매의여름밤 #유콜잇러브 #콜럼버스
CJ ENM 특별 상영관 1차 라인업 공개. 8월 11일 오후 5시 무비블록에서 만나요. The first lineup of CJ ENM's special theater will be unveiled.📢 CJ ENM 특별 상영관 1차 라인업 공개
⏰ 8월 11일 오후 5시 무비블록에서 만나요!
📢 The first lineup of CJ ENM's special theater will be unveiled
⏰ See you at Movie Block on August 11th at 5pm!
#불한당 #남매의여름밤 #유콜잇러브 #콜럼버스
14 Aug 2023, 01:58
'콘크리트 유토피아' 개봉 첫주 1위... 154만 관객 모아
#콘크리트유토피아 #이병헌 #박서준 #박보영 #엄태화 #롯데 #영화 #movie #무비블록 #moviebloc
'콘크리트 유토피아' 개봉 첫주 1위. 154만 관객 모아. #콘크리트유토피아 #이병헌 #박서준 #박보영 #엄태화 #롯데 #영화 #movie #무비블록 #moviebloc.'콘크리트 유토피아' 개봉 첫주 1위... 154만 관객 모아
#콘크리트유토피아 #이병헌 #박서준 #박보영 #엄태화 #롯데 #영화 #movie #무비블록 #moviebloc
11 Aug 2023, 04:22
🔥[HOT ISSUE] 부산국제영화제 개*폐막작 다음달 5일 공개
#부산국제영화제 #부국제 #BIFF #영화제 #무비블록 #MBL
[HOT ISSUE] 부산국제영화제 개*폐막작 다음달 5일 공개. #부산국제영화제 #부국제 #BIFF #영화제 #무비블록 #MBL.🔥[HOT ISSUE] 부산국제영화제 개*폐막작 다음달 5일 공개
#부산국제영화제 #부국제 #BIFF #영화제 #무비블록 #MBL
08 Aug 2023, 08:00
[EVENT] Watch movies and Get MBL! #ReviewEvent
We are hosting an event where you can receive up to $100 worth of MBL and 1,000 popcorn by leaving a review of the movie you watched as a comment on our platform!
#MovieBloc #MBL #Coin #bitcoin📷 #Event
[EVENT] Watch movies and Get MBL. #ReviewEvent.[EVENT] Watch movies and Get MBL! #ReviewEvent
We are hosting an event where you can receive up to $100 worth of MBL and 1,000 popcorn by leaving a review of the movie you watched as a comment on our platform!
#MovieBloc #MBL #Coin #bitcoin📷 #Event
08 Aug 2023, 01:00
Now it's free on
, , <99 Cent>,
#Shorts #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL #MovieBloc #binance📷 #Bitcoin📷
Now it's free on. , , <99 Cent>,. #Shorts #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL #MovieBloc #binance #Bitcoin.Now it's free on https://t.co/WH2mzFCefP
, , <99 Cent>,
#Shorts #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL #MovieBloc #binance📷 #Bitcoin📷
03 Aug 2023, 09:00
📌 2023 1st and 2nd quarter roadmap achievement status
We are pleased to announce that MovieBlock has successfully achieved its 1st and 2nd quarter roadmaps for the year 2023!
#moviebloc #mbl #roadmap #BITCOIN #Binance📷
2023 1st and 2nd quarter roadmap achievement status.📌 2023 1st and 2nd quarter roadmap achievement status
We are pleased to announce that MovieBlock has successfully achieved its 1st and 2nd quarter roadmaps for the year 2023!
#moviebloc #mbl #roadmap #BITCOIN #Binance📷
21 Apr 2023, 08:32
≪News≫'John Wick 4' Expected to Break 1 Million... Suzume Steady Success
#JohnWick4 #JohnWick #Suzume #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫'John Wick 4' Expected to Break 1 Million. Suzume Steady Success. #JohnWick4 #JohnWick #Suzume #MovieBlocNews.≪News≫'John Wick 4' Expected to Break 1 Million... Suzume Steady Success
#JohnWick4 #JohnWick #Suzume #MovieBlocNews
21 Apr 2023, 04:40
≪News≫ Quentin Tarantino will present a “surprise film” at Cannes
#QuentinTarantino #Film #Cannes #CannesFilmFestival #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ Quentin Tarantino will present a "surprise film" at Cannes.≪News≫ Quentin Tarantino will present a “surprise film” at Cannes
#QuentinTarantino #Film #Cannes #CannesFilmFestival #MovieBlocNews
21 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
<Ordinary Day> Mi-ok is tired of housework and being a wife and mother. On her birthday, her mother from the past, look much younger than Mi-ok, visits her.
#Shorts #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL #MovieBloc #binance #bitcoin
Now it's free on. <Ordinary Day> Mi-ok is tired of housework and being a wife and mother.Now it's free on https://t.co/EU9UPHA6um
<Ordinary Day> Mi-ok is tired of housework and being a wife and mother. On her birthday, her mother from the past, look much younger than Mi-ok, visits her.
#Shorts #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL #MovieBloc #binance #bitcoin https://t.co/67qaSaoJCc
20 Apr 2023, 04:36
≪News≫ 'Elemental' selected as the closing film of the 76th Cannes Film Festival... Pixar's 4th
#Elemental #Cannes2023 #Pixar #PixarElemental
#MovieBloc #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ 'Elemental' selected as the closing film of the 76th Cannes Film Festival. Pixar's 4th.≪News≫ 'Elemental' selected as the closing film of the 76th Cannes Film Festival... Pixar's 4th
#Elemental #Cannes2023 #Pixar #PixarElemental
#MovieBloc #MovieBlocNews
20 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
<Speed/Dating> He has 7 minutes to seduce her, or she explodes. #Shorts #SpeedDating
#INicolasDouste #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL #MovieBloc #binance #bitcoin
Now it's free on. <Speed/Dating> He has 7 minutes to seduce her, or she explodes. #Shorts #SpeedDating.Now it's free on https://t.co/7DuB3dyIJk
<Speed/Dating> He has 7 minutes to seduce her, or she explodes. #Shorts #SpeedDating
#INicolasDouste #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL #MovieBloc #binance #bitcoin https://t.co/pNB43SmOFw
19 Apr 2023, 05:09
≪News≫"Over the Rainbow" starring Lee Jung-jae, etc. Announcing the first film of "Korean Wave Film Festival 2023"
#Leejungjae #OverTheRainbow #koreanfilm #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫"Over the Rainbow" starring Lee Jung-jae, etc. Announcing the first film of "Korean Wave Film Festival 2023".≪News≫"Over the Rainbow" starring Lee Jung-jae, etc. Announcing the first film of "Korean Wave Film Festival 2023"
#Leejungjae #OverTheRainbow #koreanfilm #MovieBlocNews https://t.co/U74Y6q8z9l https://t.co/IoO4Gh3RXe
19 Apr 2023, 01:00
≪News≫ The Super Mario Bros. Movie Box Office (Worldwide): Chris Pratt Is All Set To Enter The $1 Billion Club Once Again Post Avengers!
#SuperMarioBrosMovie #BoxOffice #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ The Super Mario Bros.≪News≫ The Super Mario Bros. Movie Box Office (Worldwide): Chris Pratt Is All Set To Enter The $1 Billion Club Once Again Post Avengers!
#SuperMarioBrosMovie #BoxOffice #MovieBlocNews
18 Apr 2023, 04:30
≪News≫ ‘The Idol’ starring Black Pink Jennie, launched on HBO Max in June… Trailer club scene appearance
'The Idol' starring Black Pink Jennie will be released to the public for the first time in June.
≪News≫ 'The Idol' starring Black Pink Jennie, launched on HBO Max in June… Trailer club scene appearance.≪News≫ ‘The Idol’ starring Black Pink Jennie, launched on HBO Max in June… Trailer club scene appearance
'The Idol' starring Black Pink Jennie will be released to the public for the first time in June.
18 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
Elements of summer and winter are cinematically interlaced, and create in the viewers' perception a new existential interspace called "mezostajun".
#Shorts #Mezostajun #IvanRAMLJAK #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly
Now it's free on. <Mezostajun>.Now it's free on https://t.co/Sk2K2AZAFY
Elements of summer and winter are cinematically interlaced, and create in the viewers' perception a new existential interspace called "mezostajun".
#Shorts #Mezostajun #IvanRAMLJAK #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly https://t.co/LU8QyWUtul
17 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
<Neverlanding: A Bad Thriller>
A reclusive Michael Jackson impersonator dedicates his whole life to the perfection of his act.
#Shorts #Neverlanding #WimREYGAERT #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL #MovieBloc #binance #bitcoin
Now it's free on. <Neverlanding: A Bad Thriller>.Now it's free on https://t.co/9xACdQTbqm
<Neverlanding: A Bad Thriller>
A reclusive Michael Jackson impersonator dedicates his whole life to the perfection of his act.
#Shorts #Neverlanding #WimREYGAERT #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL #MovieBloc #binance #bitcoin https://t.co/CbtTKo9e6B
15 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
<I Don't Want to Forget Anything>
Marialena is on the phone with Magda. The two sisters are on their way to the funeral of their mother.
#Shorts #IDontWantToForgetAnything #VaggelioSOUMELI #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL
Now it's free on. <I Don't Want to Forget Anything>. Marialena is on the phone with Magda.Now it's free on https://t.co/exmqOi0di0
<I Don't Want to Forget Anything>
Marialena is on the phone with Magda. The two sisters are on their way to the funeral of their mother.
#Shorts #IDontWantToForgetAnything #VaggelioSOUMELI #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL https://t.co/by5eItXSpf
14 Apr 2023, 01:54
≪News≫ Celebrating its 20th anniversary, 'EBS International Documentary Film Festival' opens on August 21st...Contest for submissions begins
EIDF2023 is starting a call for entries for the 'Festival Choice', a competitive section ahead of the opening.
≪News≫ Celebrating its 20th anniversary, 'EBS International Documentary Film Festival' opens on August 21st.≪News≫ Celebrating its 20th anniversary, 'EBS International Documentary Film Festival' opens on August 21st...Contest for submissions begins
EIDF2023 is starting a call for entries for the 'Festival Choice', a competitive section ahead of the opening.
#EDIF2023… https://t.co/Jr9OgP0nnY https://t.co/HDEaeeEBIJ
13 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
The wind blows, noises of armor resound. A knight escorts a young woman athwart plains. The thunder begins to scold, clouds invade the landscape. The knight, worried, stares the castle on the horizon. The end is near.
Now it's free on. <Dryad>. The wind blows, noises of armor resound. A knight escorts a young woman athwart plains.Now it's free on https://t.co/6X6nM08Tde
The wind blows, noises of armor resound. A knight escorts a young woman athwart plains. The thunder begins to scold, clouds invade the landscape. The knight, worried, stares the castle on the horizon. The end is near. https://t.co/CSc012GR8d
12 Apr 2023, 07:57
≪News≫ Pedro Almodovar’s Strange Way of Life to be screened at Cannes Film Festival
Strange Way of Life revolves around the bond between two men who met when they were young while working together as hired gunmen and reconnect 25 years later in...
≪News≫ Pedro Almodovar's Strange Way of Life to be screened at Cannes Film Festival.≪News≫ Pedro Almodovar’s Strange Way of Life to be screened at Cannes Film Festival
Strange Way of Life revolves around the bond between two men who met when they were young while working together as hired gunmen and reconnect 25 years later in...
12 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
<The Cure>
One evening, a mysterious visitor pays a visit to a drug addict, bringing her a miracle cure for her addiction.
#Shorts #TheCure #XavierMesme #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL #MovieBloc #binance #bitcoin
Now it's free on. <The Cure>.Now it's free on https://t.co/ndz2P32dsh
<The Cure>
One evening, a mysterious visitor pays a visit to a drug addict, bringing her a miracle cure for her addiction.
#Shorts #TheCure #XavierMesme #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL #MovieBloc #binance #bitcoin https://t.co/KP3aMTFnJi
11 Apr 2023, 09:20
≪News≫ Elon Musk-Backed Dogecoin Gets A Documentary
'Dogumentary' a feature-length film produced by PleasrDAO and Own the Dog is underway to showcase the rise of meme that inspired Dogecoin....
#ElonMusk #Dogecoin #Documentary #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ Elon Musk-Backed Dogecoin Gets A Documentary.≪News≫ Elon Musk-Backed Dogecoin Gets A Documentary
'Dogumentary' a feature-length film produced by PleasrDAO and Own the Dog is underway to showcase the rise of meme that inspired Dogecoin....
#ElonMusk #Dogecoin #Documentary #MovieBlocNews
11 Apr 2023, 02:49
RT @CobakOfficial: 코박에서 참여가 간단한 CBK 이벤트🎁를 진행합니다🔥
CBK 보유만 하고 있어도 최대 80 CBK를 받을 수 있는 기회!
지금 바로 링크에서 자세한 참여 방법을 확인해보세요~!
RT @CobakOfficial: 코박에서 참여가 간단한 CBK 이벤트를 진행합니다. CBK 보유만 하고 있어도 최대 80 CBK를 받을 수 있는 기회. 지금 바로 링크에서 자세한 참여 방법을 확인해보세요~.RT @CobakOfficial: 코박에서 참여가 간단한 CBK 이벤트🎁를 진행합니다🔥
CBK 보유만 하고 있어도 최대 80 CBK를 받을 수 있는 기회!
지금 바로 링크에서 자세한 참여 방법을 확인해보세요~!
11 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
Once upon a time and place, there was a toy-maker, living alone, in a cabin up on a mountain. He created a wooden puppet, as an opponent for his games of chess. But can a puppet become a worthy opponent? Unless...
Now it's free on. <Marionette>. Once upon a time and place, there was a toy-maker, living alone, in a cabin up on a mountain.Now it's free on https://t.co/6gjd1COw1X
Once upon a time and place, there was a toy-maker, living alone, in a cabin up on a mountain. He created a wooden puppet, as an opponent for his games of chess. But can a puppet become a worthy opponent? Unless... https://t.co/X1QPwihvLr
11 Apr 2023, 01:43
≪News≫ Selected 10 films, including ‘About the Cloud’, an internationally competitive film at the Jeonju International Film Festival
It consists of nine experimental feature films with diverse perspectives and unique visual...
#JIFF #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ Selected 10 films, including 'About the Cloud', an internationally competitive film at the Jeonju International Film Fest≪News≫ Selected 10 films, including ‘About the Cloud’, an internationally competitive film at the Jeonju International Film Festival
It consists of nine experimental feature films with diverse perspectives and unique visual...
#JIFF #MovieBlocNews
10 Apr 2023, 08:57
≪News≫ Director Byun Seong-hyeon of 'Kill Bok-soon' "I just twist it and make it my own color" [Interview]
Director's desire to "I want to take more attractive actors" is working.
#BYUNSeongHyeon #KillBokSoon #Interview #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ Director Byun Seong-hyeon of 'Kill Bok-soon' "I just twist it and make it my own color" [Interview].≪News≫ Director Byun Seong-hyeon of 'Kill Bok-soon' "I just twist it and make it my own color" [Interview]
Director's desire to "I want to take more attractive actors" is working.
#BYUNSeongHyeon #KillBokSoon #Interview #MovieBlocNews
10 Apr 2023, 03:30
≪News≫ ‘Stonewalling’ Wins Best Film And Best Actress At Hong Kong International Film Festival
Stonewalling, co-directed by Huang Ji and Otsuka Ryuji, was the big winner at HKIFF, taking home three prizes...
#Stonewalling #HKIFF #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ 'Stonewalling' Wins Best Film And Best Actress At Hong Kong International Film Festival.≪News≫ ‘Stonewalling’ Wins Best Film And Best Actress At Hong Kong International Film Festival
Stonewalling, co-directed by Huang Ji and Otsuka Ryuji, was the big winner at HKIFF, taking home three prizes...
#Stonewalling #HKIFF #MovieBlocNews
10 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
Using a faceless doll criminal reenacts a brutal crime. But surprisingly he is not the one being judged. There seems to be an odd one out in the investigative group.
#Shorts #Dummy #LaurynasBAREISA #FreeMovie
Now it's free on. <Dummy>. Using a faceless doll criminal reenacts a brutal crime.Now it's free on https://t.co/WlbhrJaUNa
Using a faceless doll criminal reenacts a brutal crime. But surprisingly he is not the one being judged. There seems to be an odd one out in the investigative group.
#Shorts #Dummy #LaurynasBAREISA #FreeMovie https://t.co/EYAEvL9gPB
08 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
<Petrivka Requiem> Adventures of a disoriented subject under the chaotic decommunization. An instant of toposonic confusion when habitude is broken.
#Shorts #PetrivkaRequiem #KaterynaVOZNYTSYA #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL
Now it's free on. <Petrivka Requiem> Adventures of a disoriented subject under the chaotic decommunization.Now it's free on https://t.co/LFeJlTeUnz
<Petrivka Requiem> Adventures of a disoriented subject under the chaotic decommunization. An instant of toposonic confusion when habitude is broken.
#Shorts #PetrivkaRequiem #KaterynaVOZNYTSYA #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL https://t.co/O9B2IGXCTA
07 Apr 2023, 04:18
≪News≫ Seven A24 films and series that will appear in 2023
After the successes of Everything, Everywhere All at Once and The Whale...
#A24 #2023Lineup #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ Seven A24 films and series that will appear in 2023.≪News≫ Seven A24 films and series that will appear in 2023
After the successes of Everything, Everywhere All at Once and The Whale...
#A24 #2023Lineup #MovieBlocNews
07 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
<John Wayne Hated Horses> A father and his young son share a house, a yard and very different ideas about masculinity and appropriate uses of army toys. The father and son both assert themselves with action rather than words.
Now it's free on.Now it's free on https://t.co/BBsSxZ6hpe
<John Wayne Hated Horses> A father and his young son share a house, a yard and very different ideas about masculinity and appropriate uses of army toys. The father and son both assert themselves with action rather than words. https://t.co/Qqb77JSWOz
06 Apr 2023, 09:09
≪News≫ The 2023 edition of the Ciné en herbe festival awarded its golden watering can to Antoine Giorgini for "Good evening"
#CinéEnHerbe #AntoineGiorgini #GoodEvening #GoldenWateringCan #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ The 2023 edition of the Ciné en herbe festival awarded its golden watering can to Antoine Giorgini for "Good evening".≪News≫ The 2023 edition of the Ciné en herbe festival awarded its golden watering can to Antoine Giorgini for "Good evening"
#CinéEnHerbe #AntoineGiorgini #GoodEvening #GoldenWateringCan #MovieBlocNews
06 Apr 2023, 08:01
≪News≫ Kim Seon-young, Asian Film Festival Award for Best Actress for the movie 'Dream Palace'
#KIMSeonYoung #AsianFilmFestival #AwardWinning #DreamPalace #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ Kim Seon-young, Asian Film Festival Award for Best Actress for the movie 'Dream Palace'.≪News≫ Kim Seon-young, Asian Film Festival Award for Best Actress for the movie 'Dream Palace'
#KIMSeonYoung #AsianFilmFestival #AwardWinning #DreamPalace #MovieBlocNews
06 Apr 2023, 03:21
≪News≫ Johnny Depp's comeback movie to open Cannes Film Festival
The historical drama, Jeanne du Barry, stars Depp as King Louis XV....
#JohnnyDepp #Cannes #JeanneDuBarry #KingLouis #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ Johnny Depp's comeback movie to open Cannes Film Festival.≪News≫ Johnny Depp's comeback movie to open Cannes Film Festival
The historical drama, Jeanne du Barry, stars Depp as King Louis XV....
#JohnnyDepp #Cannes #JeanneDuBarry #KingLouis #MovieBlocNews
06 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
<Beats of Love> True love has no limits. Driven by his obsession for sound, a man goes into the city to find the perfect beat to conquer the heart of the woman he loves.
#Shorts #BeatsOfLove #WimGEUDENS #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly
Now it's free on. <Beats of Love> True love has no limits.Now it's free on https://t.co/qRqqmAqrgA
<Beats of Love> True love has no limits. Driven by his obsession for sound, a man goes into the city to find the perfect beat to conquer the heart of the woman he loves.
#Shorts #BeatsOfLove #WimGEUDENS #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly https://t.co/uZ6HqDuAa5
05 Apr 2023, 04:42
≪News≫ Monster Children Short Film Awards now open for entries: Over $30k in cash + prizes to be won
Following a hugely successful launch in 2022, entries are now open for the second annua...
#MonsterChildren #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ Monster Children Short Film Awards now open for entries: Over $30k in cash + prizes to be won.≪News≫ Monster Children Short Film Awards now open for entries: Over $30k in cash + prizes to be won
Following a hugely successful launch in 2022, entries are now open for the second annua...
#MonsterChildren #MovieBlocNews
05 Apr 2023, 02:00
<End of The World> In a big city, some of them call an emergency number 112, even if it’s not really necessary, others call the radio. This time the subject of the broadcast is the end of the world predicted by the Mayan calendar.
#Shorts #MovieBloc
<End of The World> In a big city, some of them call an emergency number 112, even if it's not really necessary, others call thehttps://t.co/fvTHjUqvum
<End of The World> In a big city, some of them call an emergency number 112, even if it’s not really necessary, others call the radio. This time the subject of the broadcast is the end of the world predicted by the Mayan calendar.
#Shorts #MovieBloc https://t.co/ksqGw2xD4F
05 Apr 2023, 01:33
≪News≫ Sydney Film Festival offers first glimpse of 70th Anniversary program
Celebrating a momentous 70 years in 2023, Sydney Film Festival has released a special preview of 12 films to be featured in this....
#SydneyFilmFestival #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ Sydney Film Festival offers first glimpse of 70th Anniversary program.≪News≫ Sydney Film Festival offers first glimpse of 70th Anniversary program
Celebrating a momentous 70 years in 2023, Sydney Film Festival has released a special preview of 12 films to be featured in this....
#SydneyFilmFestival #MovieBlocNews
04 Apr 2023, 08:21
≪News≫ The 40th Busan International Short Film Festival, Official Trailer Revealed!
BISFF Official Trailer © The Busan International Short Film Festival announced on the 4th that it has released the official trailer for....
#BISFF #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ The 40th Busan International Short Film Festival, Official Trailer Revealed.≪News≫ The 40th Busan International Short Film Festival, Official Trailer Revealed!
BISFF Official Trailer © The Busan International Short Film Festival announced on the 4th that it has released the official trailer for....
#BISFF #MovieBlocNews
04 Apr 2023, 04:21
≪News≫ Michael Mann Eyeing ‘Heat 2’ As Next Film With Warner Bros In Negotiations With Director To Board Sequel; Adam Driver In Talks With Mann To Play Young Neil McCauley
#MichaelMann #Heat2 #WarnerBros #AdamDriver #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ Michael Mann Eyeing 'Heat 2' As Next Film With Warner Bros In Negotiations With Director To Board Sequel.≪News≫ Michael Mann Eyeing ‘Heat 2’ As Next Film With Warner Bros In Negotiations With Director To Board Sequel; Adam Driver In Talks With Mann To Play Young Neil McCauley
#MichaelMann #Heat2 #WarnerBros #AdamDriver #MovieBlocNews
04 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
<Homeful Bliss> Frank returns to his quiet residential house where his family has organised a surprise birthday party. Everybody is present: his wife, children, his father … even the babysitter.
#Shorts #HomefulBliss #JanVanDYCK
Now it's free on.Now it's free on https://t.co/6HYp4oMiMt
<Homeful Bliss> Frank returns to his quiet residential house where his family has organised a surprise birthday party. Everybody is present: his wife, children, his father … even the babysitter.
#Shorts #HomefulBliss #JanVanDYCK https://t.co/DlvisjI3vY
03 Apr 2023, 09:05
≪News≫ 1st documentary unveiled in Korea retracing Nam June Paik's vision of video art
Amanda Kim's 'Nam June Paik: Moon Is the Oldest TV' screened in Seoul after premiering at Sundance Film Festival
#NamJunePAIK #AmandaKIM #Sundance #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ 1st documentary unveiled in Korea retracing Nam June Paik's vision of video art.≪News≫ 1st documentary unveiled in Korea retracing Nam June Paik's vision of video art
Amanda Kim's 'Nam June Paik: Moon Is the Oldest TV' screened in Seoul after premiering at Sundance Film Festival
#NamJunePAIK #AmandaKIM #Sundance #MovieBlocNews
03 Apr 2023, 03:20
≪News≫ 2023 Sarasota Film Festival Announces Award Winners for 25th Anniversary Edition
The 25th Anniversary edition of the Sarasota Film Festival celebrated...
#SarasotaFilmFestival #AwardWinning #OtherPeoplesChildren #RebeccaZlotowski #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ 2023 Sarasota Film Festival Announces Award Winners for 25th Anniversary Edition.≪News≫ 2023 Sarasota Film Festival Announces Award Winners for 25th Anniversary Edition
The 25th Anniversary edition of the Sarasota Film Festival celebrated...
#SarasotaFilmFestival #AwardWinning #OtherPeoplesChildren #RebeccaZlotowski #MovieBlocNews
03 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
<Red Light>
In a small village, a bus stops at the only intersection where the traffic light is stuck in red. The bus driver, refuses to move forward which inflames a conflict.
#Shorts #RedLight #TomaWASZAROW #FreeMovie
Now it's free on. <Red Light>. In a small village, a bus stops at the only intersection where the traffic light is stuck in red.Now it's free on https://t.co/VnhNdB9sbc
<Red Light>
In a small village, a bus stops at the only intersection where the traffic light is stuck in red. The bus driver, refuses to move forward which inflames a conflict.
#Shorts #RedLight #TomaWASZAROW #FreeMovie https://t.co/4iRMqgeRtB
01 Apr 2023, 02:00
Now it's free on
Tom is having a romantic evening with his mistress while his 8 years old daughter is sleeping upstairs. But strange things begin to happen...
#Shorts #Hidden #PierreAmstutzROCH #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL #MovieBloc
Now it's free on. <Hidden>.Now it's free on https://t.co/s3BIMVAfDx
Tom is having a romantic evening with his mistress while his 8 years old daughter is sleeping upstairs. But strange things begin to happen...
#Shorts #Hidden #PierreAmstutzROCH #FreeMovie #FreeForTodayOnly #MBL #MovieBloc https://t.co/mvUL1NBVm7
31 Mar 2023, 06:37
≪News≫ Wes Anderson's 6 must-see movies if you love the explosion of colors
Wes Anderson has an almost perfect filmography; but these 6 movies stand out....
#WesAnderson #mustSEE #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ Wes Anderson's 6 must-see movies if you love the explosion of colors. Wes Anderson has an almost perfect filmography.≪News≫ Wes Anderson's 6 must-see movies if you love the explosion of colors
Wes Anderson has an almost perfect filmography; but these 6 movies stand out....
#WesAnderson #mustSEE #MovieBlocNews
31 Mar 2023, 03:10
🐰Let's watch movies and make money! (~Apr 28)
If you watch movies on MovieBloc and leave a review,
We will hold an event that gives you MBL worth up to $100 🔥
Let's watch movies and make money. (~Apr 28). If you watch movies on MovieBloc and leave a review,.🐰Let's watch movies and make money! (~Apr 28)
If you watch movies on MovieBloc and leave a review,
We will hold an event that gives you MBL worth up to $100 🔥
https://t.co/K6aIth8vqe https://t.co/aqSy0wff0r
31 Mar 2023, 02:00
<Wedding Night>
There are two girls who are like sisters. A night before one of the girls is getting married, they had a heart-to-heart talk. Was their relationship a deep friendship beyond social status, or was it love?
#Shorts #WeddingNight #BomiWOO
<Wedding Night>. There are two girls who are like sisters.https://t.co/XUtTRR5gxO
<Wedding Night>
There are two girls who are like sisters. A night before one of the girls is getting married, they had a heart-to-heart talk. Was their relationship a deep friendship beyond social status, or was it love?
#Shorts #WeddingNight #BomiWOO https://t.co/1xx2as395r
30 Mar 2023, 07:23
≪News≫ Competition for submissions to the Seoul International Pride Film Festival
The Seoul International Pride Film Festival will start calling for submissions for this year's film festival on the 30th ....
#SIPFF #Submissions #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ Competition for submissions to the Seoul International Pride Film Festival.≪News≫ Competition for submissions to the Seoul International Pride Film Festival
The Seoul International Pride Film Festival will start calling for submissions for this year's film festival on the 30th ....
#SIPFF #Submissions #MovieBlocNews
30 Mar 2023, 03:28
≪News≫ Bong Joon Ho’s Favorite Movies: 47 Films the Director Wants You to See
The "Parasite" filmmaker's favorite movies include works from some of the best...
#BongHoonHo #FavoriteMovies #Parasite #MovieBlocNews
≪News≫ Bong Joon Ho's Favorite Movies: 47 Films the Director Wants You to See.≪News≫ Bong Joon Ho’s Favorite Movies: 47 Films the Director Wants You to See
The "Parasite" filmmaker's favorite movies include works from some of the best...
#BongHoonHo #FavoriteMovies #Parasite #MovieBlocNews